Masaru Emoto - Experiment (Page 5)
Day 1
Compare this picture with the
one below (click on thumbnails
to enlarge).
Day 14
Compare this picture with the
one above (click on thumbnails
to enlarge).
Results and Analysis: After two weeks, there was no obvious
difference in the waters' clarity. However, after one week the bubbles
in the "love" bottle appeared to form a heart symbol. No other bubble
patterns were observed throughout the experiment. When the water
was frozen, ice made from water in the "hate" bottle appeared darker
and had a rougher surface than ice from the other two bottles.
Conclusion: Although the clarity of the water didn't change as
predicted, there were differences between the three bottles which
logically should have remained more or less the same.
This experiment could have been affected by some variables (things
which can change the outcome). First, although measurements were
estimated to be similar, they weren't exact. It's also possible that the
water was exposed to unintentional 'positive or negative energy', as
they weren't located in a quiet, undisturbed environment. When
pouring water into the ice trays, some of the leftover rice may have
fallen in and been frozen as well. Finally, the room in which the water
was stored didn't always remain at a constant temperature.

After finishing this experiment, there are still no definitive results. This
experiment didn't prove Dr. Emoto's findings, but didn't disprove them
either. My personal conclusion is that even words are very powerful
things; there were small differences when the water should have
remained the same. Obviously, I don't have the technology to
photograph water-crystals, but differences in the ice was noticeable
In the future, I hope to do a more detailed, precise and controlled
experiment. Until then, it's up to you to decide what you want to
believe. Please research this subject on your own - to learn more
about Dr. Emoto's work, there is a section on the Links page where you
can find many useful links about this subject and others.